Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Leave Some Children Behind

In a typical Bushesque publicly stand for one thing and do anything, the federal government has laid out new restrictions states must use when enrolling uninsured children into their health care programs. This curtailment of states rights will affect many states with such programs, NY included. Why would the federal government do this? Because states are individually changing what they consider to be the poverty level for a family of four. The federal government currently says a family of four can survive on $21,000 annually, but states seem to disagree, and of course the Bush administration is all for states rights, as long as they agree with them.

More importantly however, and unfortunately largely undiscussed in this article, is the protection of for-profit health care. Our government shouldn't be in the business of protecting business over people. Why do we allow this? Why don't we do something to stop this?

I don't normally get personal in theses, just a quick two cents and then a link, but I know I can't possibly be the only one outraged. So please, write a letter to your representative, and most importantly know where the candidates stand on issues like health care, and use your vote to send a message. They can't represent us if we don't elect them, and they can't read our minds once they are in office.

Please, read the article.
And if you live in New York, be thankful we have this man on our side.

Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York said that, “contrary to the senators’ objections,” federal law allows states to set higher income limits. “Granting this expansion,” Mr. Spitzer said, “is essential to the health and well-being of New York’s children.”

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